Friends of Boswells School (FoBS)

The Friends of Boswells School (FoBS) are a group of people whose aims are to raise money and provide resources for the school and its students (your children). To support and enhance the resources and facilities at The Boswells School. FoBS is a registered charity (No: 801420)

Over the last few years we have raised funds for large projects such as a cover for the outside eating area (£30,000), audio visual equipment for The Boswells Theatre (£15,000), new picnic benches for the courtyard (£2,200), and smaller items such as a student microscopes, air fryers and dictionaries. Your children will benefit from our fundraising at some time during their time at The Boswells School. 

How would you like to have a say in how we raise and spend our money? Without new input and ideas FoBS would cease to exist and all the above donations just simply would not happen. We meet half termly, meetings are informal and all parents/carers are invited to attend. We look forward to seeing you - meeting dates are listed below. 

We are always looking for new members to help support school events.  Predominantly helpers to serve refreshments at schools shows, helping with stock management and selling of pre-loved uniform.  

If you wish to attend, have some spare time to help or require further details, please contact Miss Noble

Friends of Boswells School (FoBS) Lottery

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