Rewards, Behaviour and Expectations

We want the very best for our students and, as a result, have the highest expectations regarding their behaviour.

We expect our students to aspire to excellence in everything their do and, in order to achieve this, they need to exhibit the following positive attitudes towards their learning:

  • To be they very best they can be in every lesson
  • To be punctual to school and to be prepared for every lesson by having the correct equipment
  • To be courteous and polite to everyone in the school community and remember that manners count. Saying please and thank you are extremely important
  • To be fully focused in every lesson
  • To complete all Home Learning to the best of their ability and on time
  • To show a ‘zest’ for learning by undertaking additional reading or research at home into the work they are doing inside school
  • To work collaboratively with their peers in the classroom
  • To ask for help when needed
  • To move around the site in a calm and purposeful manner
  • To show respect to every member of our community regardless of their gender, race, sexuality, beliefs or cultural background

We always praise and recognise positive behaviour, however we will not accept behaviour that falls short of our expectations. For further details about expectations regarding behaviour at the school, please refer to our Behaviour Policy in our Key Information Area


At The Boswells School, we believe that students whose behaviour and attitudes to learning are exemplary should have their achievements acknowledged. We reward our students in the following ways:

  • Students continue to be praised through the SIMS Achievement database. Staff can easily acknowledge and praise students’ class work, home learning and effort through this system.
  • Postcards, phone calls and emails home are used consistently by teachers to praise students throughout each term.
  • There are achievement thresholds of bronze (75 points), silver (125 points), gold (175 points) and platinum (225points). Pupils who have achieved the required thresholds will be presented with certificates in assembly.
  • Three achievement assemblies, for each year group, will take place each year in which top achievers will be publicly rewarded in front of their year group.
  • Top achievers will also be rewarded with prizes and vouchers in the summer term.
  • We are currently working at a ratio of 8 achievement points to 1 behaviour point, which has exceeded our whole school target of 6:1.
  • Parents / Carers can now keep up to date, on a daily basis, with the SIMS Parent App.
  • After each data drop, students who achieve 'exemplary' for the vast majority of their Attitude to Learning grades in their interim reports will be further congratulated on their excellent achievement by their Head of Year and a member of the Leadership team.