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Curriculum Overview

Core Values

Our curriculum is underpinned by our core values, the Boswells Learning Bridges:

  • Discovery

  • Grit

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Self-Discipline

  • Bravery

  • Resourcefulness

  • Integrity

Curriculum Intent

At The Boswells School, our curriculum is designed to inspire and challenge all learners and prepare them for the future. It builds on young people’s experiences in the primary phase and that helps all young people to become successful learners, critical thinkers, articulate individuals and responsible citizens.

All young people are individuals and are treated as such. We believe that all our learners have the right to a balanced curriculum, enhanced by enrichment opportunities both within and beyond the classroom. Our aim is to build a community of lifelong learners who relish challenge, have a thirst for knowledge and are well-resourced and resilient enough to self-govern after their seven-year journey with us.

Curriculum Overview

In the first three years, all students study the following subjects:

English, Mathematics, Science, French or Spanish, History, Geography, RE, Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Design Technology, Food Technology, Computing and PE. There is also an extensive Personal Development programme. 

At the end of Year 9, students, in consultation with parents and staff, will determine their course of study for the next two years leading to GCSE or equivalent Level 2 Qualifications. Each student will follow one of three pathways:

  • Students will take English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, at least one Modern Foreign Language (French and Spanish) and at least one of Geography or History.
  • Students may choose Triple Science or Double Science.
  • Students will be able to be able to choose two further options subjects.
  • Students will take English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, and at least one of French, Spanish, Geography or History.
  • Students may choose to take Triple Science or Double Science 
  • Students will be able to choose three further options subjects (two if Triple Science is chosen).
  • Students will take English Language, English Literature, Mathematics.
  • Students will take Double Science.
  • Students will be able to choose four further options subjects

The decision as to which pathway each student follows will be made by the school based upon prior attainment. This is to ensure that each student follows the most suitable range of courses for his or her ability.

All information relating to Year 10 and 11 is made available to parents of Year 9 students in the "Key Stage 4 Option Information" pack and parents are invited to school to hear information about course construction. Parents can consult subject teachers about the choice of appropriate courses at the Year 9 Parents’ Evening.

The School has approximately 250 students in the Sixth Form, with a well-established tradition of achievement in preparing students for employment, and college or university entrance. A wide range of academic courses are available for students wishing to follow a two-year GCE Advanced level whether they have higher education in mind, intend to enter the professions by alternative routes or take up places in post- 'A' level industrial training schemes.

Religious Education

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from Religious Education and should consult their Head of Year if they wish to exercise this right. Alternative arrangements will then be made. The arrangements for collective worship have been discussed and approved by the Governing Body and these consist of a series of school assemblies and year assemblies led by the Headteacher and senior staff.

Sex Education

Sex Education is an important dimension of the School curriculum. Moral and social aspects are covered within the School’s health education programme, which is delivered by tutors through the tutorial programme. The Science skill area delivers the biological facts as a component of their schemes of work. At all times materials and teaching are carefully assessed so as to be appropriate to the needs and ages of students, and accord with the School’s Sex Education policy document which has been fully discussed and approved by the Governing Body.

Careers Education

Careers Education is also part of the tutorial work throughout the school but concentrated in Years 10 and 11. The teaching programme is enriched by the help of local careers officers and by talks from members of local industry and professional bodies. Work experience is provided for all students within their scheme of work during the autumn term of Year 11.

Local Governing Body

The Governors work closely with senior staff and the Deputy Headteacher (Curriculum). They also visit the School regularly to observe both students and staff at work. In these ways they monitor, evaluate and approve the curriculum offered and establish the philosophy by which it is managed and organised. Parents have the right of appeal to the Local Governing Body on all matters relating to the curriculum.

For more information on our curriculum please contact Mr S Jones, Deputy Headteacher