Our Staff

Please be aware that it is not possible for staff to respond immediately to emails.

We ask staff to respond to any parental email within 2 working days of the email being sent. We would ask that if your query is urgent, or of a sensitive nature, that you call the school on 01245 264451. Our Reception is open from 8am to 4.15pm Monday to Thursday and from 8am to 4pm on Fridays.

Please be aware that to use the email links below you will need to have your local email client configured, this could be Outlook, Window Live Mail, Thunderbird, Apple Mail etc. If you do not use an email client, you will need to enter the required email address in the send/To box when composing an email.

Title Name Email
Headteacher Mr. S Mansell SMA@boswells-school.com
Deputy Headteacher (Behaviour Welfare and Safety) DSL Ms. C Noble CNE@boswells-school.com
Deputy Headteacher (Teaching, Learning & Progress) Mr. S Jones SJS@boswells-school.com
Assistant Headteacher (Character and Culture) Ms.L Grover  LGR@boswells-school.com
Assistant Headteacher (Inclusion and SENCO) Ms. A Thorne ATN@boswells-school.com
Assistant Headteacher (Teaching & Learning) (MAT leave see Ms. Hayes) Ms. S Dodson SVH@boswells-school.com
Acting Assistant Headteacher (Teaching & Learning) Ms S Hayes SPN@boswells-school.com
Lead Practitioner and CPD Co-ordinator Mr. P Keech PKH@boswells-school.com
Lead Practitioner and  ITT Co-ordinator Mr. D Carlton DCO@boswells-school.com
Associate Leader (Character and Culture) Ms. D Beazeley DBZ@boswells-school.com
Acting Associate Leader (Achievemnet for All) Ms. L Martin-Smith      LMH@boswells-school.com     
Title Name Email
Head of year 7 Ms. L Martyn-Smith LMH@boswells-school.com
Head of year 8 Mr. J Caba JCB@boswells-school.com
Head of year 9 Mr. D Page  DPG@boswells-school.com
Head of year 10 Ms. S Smyth SSM@boswells-school.com
Head of year 11 Mr. J Farrington JFN@boswells-school.com
Head of Sixth Form Ms. A Whitehead AWD@boswells-school.com
Sixth Form Coordinator Ms. K Cherry KCY@boswells-school.com
Lower School Pastoral Manager Years 7, 8 & 9 Ms. D Layton-Smith DSH@boswells-school.com
Acting Upper School Pastoral Manager Years 10 & 11 Ms. E Nelson ENN@boswells-school.com
Title Name Email
Assistant Headteacher (Inclusion and SENCO)

Ms. A Thorne

SENCO  (MAT leave see Ms Hepworth) Ms. C Anderson  CHN@boswells-school.com
Acting SENCO   Ms. A Hepworth AHH@boswells-school.com
Title Name Email
Head of Bronte (Blue) Emotional Intelligence Ms. C Down CDN@boswells-school.com
Head of Hawking (Pink) Grit Ms. S Boyce SBE@boswells-school.com
Head of Attenborough ( Orange) Integrity Mr. D Hardaker DHR@bowells-school.com
Head of Nightingale (Yellow) Resourcefulness Mr. S Neale SNE@boswells-school.com
Head of Holmes (Red) Self Discipline Mr. J Ward JWD@boswells-school.com
Head of Cornwell (Green) Bravery Ms. J Winstone JWE@boswells-school.com
Title Name Email
Head of Faculty Ms. D Beazeley DBZ@boswells-school.com
Deputy Head of Faculty Ms. K Nally KNY@boswells-school.com
Head of Film and Media studies Ms. K Toleman KPR@boswells-school.com
Lead Practitioner Mr. P Keech PKH@boswells-school.com
Teacher of English  Mr. D Baker DBR@boswells-school.com
Teacher of English  Ms. C Down CDN@boswells-school.com 
Teacher of English  Ms. J Ellinopoulou JEU@boswells-school.com
Teacher of English  Mr. J Farrington JFN@boswells-school.com
Teacher of English  Ms. S James SJW@Boswells-School.com
Teacher of English  Ms. H Rogers HRS@boswells-school.com
Teacher of English  Ms. E Scott EST@boswells-school.com
Teacher of English  Ms. A Wilson AWN@boswells-school.com
Teacher of English  Ms. E Woodhull EWL@boswells-school.com
Intervention Tutor of English  Ms. S Snow SSW@boswells-school.com
Title Name Email
Head of Faculty Ms. S Ruffell SRL@boswells-school.com
Deputy Head of Faculty Ms. K Brown KBW@boswells-school.com
Lead Practitioner Mr. D Carlton DCO@boswells-school.com
Lead Practitioner Ms. S Dodson SVH@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Mathematics  Ms. D Fayz DFZ@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Mathematics  Mr. T Forshaw TFW@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Mathematics  Ms. S Horgan SHH@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Mathematics  Ms. S Keshavarz SKZ@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Mathematics  Mr. S Mansell SMA@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Mathematics  Mr. C Mugabe RCI@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Mathematics  Mr. D Patel DPL@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Mathematics  Mr. J Pitt JPT@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Mathematics  Mr. S Poththewela SPA@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Mathematics  Ms. A Russell ARE@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Mathematics  Mr. D Sheldon DSN@boswells-school.com
Intervention Tutor Mathematics  Mr. J Goold JGD@boswells-school.com
Title Name Email
Head of Faculty Ms. T gage-Pascoe TGP@boswells-school.com
Deputy Head of Faculty and Head of Physics Mr. A Gutteridge AGE@boswells-school.com
Head of Chemistry Mr. R Coxhead RCD@boswells-school.com
Head of Biology Mr. A Reed ARD@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Science  Mr. M Amin MAA@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Science  Ms. C Baker CBR@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Science  Ms. E Blackmore EBL@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Science  Ms. J Castro Costa JCO@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Science  Mr. C Gilmour CGR@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Science  Mr. G Johnson GJN@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Science  Mr. T Mansfield TMD@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Science  Mr. P Summerton PSN@boswells-school.com
Science Intervention Tutor Ms. C Betty CBY@boswells-school.com
Title Name Email
Acting Head of Faculty & Head of Geography Ms.S Wells SWS@boswells-school.com
Head of Faculty ( See above) Ms. S J Hayes SPN@boswells-school.com
Deputy Head of Faculty Mr. J Daggar JDR@boswells-school.com
Head of Social Sciences Ms. C Hale CHE@boswells-school.com
Head of RE Ms. L Wigglesworth LWH@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Humanities  Ms. Allen CAN@Boswells-School.com
Teacher of Humanities  Ms. L Bruns LPW@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Humanities  Mr. J Caba JCB@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Humanities  Ms. L Grover LGR@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Humanities  Mr. S Jones SJS@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Humanities  Ms. L Martyn-smith LMH@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Humanities  Ms. R Page-Wright RPT@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Humanities  Mr. A Rogers ARO@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Humanities  Ms. S Smyth SSM@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Humanities  Mr. K Wells KWS@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Humanities  Ms. A Whitehead AWD@boswells-school.com
Title Name Email
Head of Faculty Mr. O Smith OST@boswells-school.com
Deputy Head of Faculty Mr. S Hector SHR@boswells-school.com
Head of Computing Ms. P Cater PCR@boswells-school.com
Head of Food Technology Ms. G Fitzmaurice GFE@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Business Ms. K Budden KBN@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Design & Technology Mrs. C Goodwin CGN@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Business Mr. S Neale SNE@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Food Ms. L Rees LRS@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Food/ Child Development/Technology  Ms. J Silvester JSR@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Computing Mr. J Ward JWD@boswells-school.com
Title Name Email
Head of Faculty Ms. V Lamb VLB@boswells-school.com
Deputy Head of Faculty Ms. K Martin KMN@boswells-school.com
Head of Spanish Mr. S Gordon SGL@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages Ms. R Cohen RCN@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages Mr. E Lewin EDN@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages Ms. M Perez Andrades MPA@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages Ms. E Real Pascual ERP@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages Mr. D Sopp DSP@boswells-school.com
Title Name Email
Acting Head of Faculty & Head of Music Mr. D Hardaker DHR@boswells-school.com
Deputy Head of Faculty Ms. L Willcox LWX@boswells-school.com
Head of Art Ms. S Armstrong SAG@boswells-school.com
Head of Art Ms. E Glynn EGN@boswells-school.com
Acting Head of Dance & Teacher of Performing Arts  Mr. R Gentle RGE@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Performing Arts  Ms. C Gravelle CGE@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Performing Arts  Ms. R Jenkins RJS@boswells-school.com
UQT of Musical Theatre Ms. M Lyon MLN@boswells-school.com 
Teacher of Performing Arts  Mr. P Mouchel PMO@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Performing Arts  Ms. C Noble CNE@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Performing Arts  Ms. V Orenstein VON@boswells-school.com
Teacher of Performing Arts  Ms. J Winstone JWE@boswells-school.com
Title Name Email
Head of Faculty Mr. C Ridgeway CRY@boswells-school.com
Acting Deputy Head of Faculty Ms. S Boyce SBE@boswells-school.com
Deputy Head of Faculty Ms. S Lee SLE@boswells-school.com
Teacher of PE Mr. C Coyston CCN@boswells-school.com
Teacher of PE Ms. A Hopkins AHS@boswells-school.com
Teacher of PE Mr. D Lewis DLS@boswells-school.com
Teacher of PE Mr. D Page DPG@boswells-school.com
Title Name Email
Head of Faculty Ms. A Thorne ATN@boswells-school.com
Deputy Head of Faculty Ms. H Gray HGY@boswells-school.com
Psychology Intervention Manager Ms. K Herring KHG@boswells-school.com
Pastoral and Learning Support Facilitator Ms. M Lyon MLN@boswells-school.com
Learning Support Assistant  Ms. C Beackon  ADMIN@boswells-school.com
Learning Support Assistant  Ms. C Beckwith ADMIN@boswells-school.com
Learning Support Assistant  Mr. J Bradshaw ADMIN@boswells-school.com
Learning Support Assistant  Ms. L Burns ADMIN@boswells-school.com
Learning Support Assistant  Ms. E Gage-Pascoe ADMIN@boswells-school.com
Learning Support Assistant  Ms. E McDaid ADMIN@boswells-school.com
Learning Support Assistant  Mr. C Towner ADMIN@boswells-school.com
Learning Support Assistant  Ms. M Waspe ADMIN@boswells-school.com

Reading Tutor

Ms. W Nagle White WNW@boswells-school.com
Title Name Email
Office Manager Ms. G Hampshire GHE@boswells-school.com 
Administrative Assistant Ms. J Blaydes ADMIN@boswells-school.com
Administrative Assistant/First Aid Officer Ms. C Peck CPK@boswells-school.com
Administrative Assistant Ms. A Self ADMIN@boswells-school.com
Administrative Assistant Ms. S Wetherall ADMIN@boswells-school.com
Title Name Email
PA to Headteacher Ms W Brooks WBS@boswells-school.com 
Finance Officer Ms C Cook FINANCE@boswells-school.com
Exams Officer Ms. S Dixon SDN@Boswells-school.com
Data Manager Mr. S Groom SGM@boswells-school.com
Finance Manager Ms. J Hudson FINANCE@boswells-school.com
Cover Supervisor Ms. N Hurrell ADMIN@boswells-school.com
Attendance Assistant  Ms. M Stockton MSN@boswells-school.com
Careers Advisor Ms. P Page PPE@boswells-school.com
HR Officer Ms. M Williams MHO@boswells-school.com
Acting Attendance Officer Ms. S Yewman SYN@boswells-school.com
Title Name Email
Art Technician Ms. L Barnard ADMIN@boswells-school.com
Food Technology Technician Ms. L Beaumont ADMIN@boswells-school.com
Technology Technician Mr. D Self ADMIN@boswells-school.com
Title Name Email
Senior Laboratory Technician Ms. P Criddle ADMIN@boswells-school.com
Laboratory Technician Ms. L Maguire ADMIN@boswells-school.com
Laboratory Technician Ms. W Fan ADMIN@boswells-school.com
Title Name Email
Librarian Ms. E Henning EHG@boswells-school.com
After school Library Supervisor Ms. C Peck ADMIN@boswells-school.com
Title Name Email
ICT Technician Mr. B Golooba ITSUPPORT@boswells-school.com
Title Name Email
Premises Manager Mr. R Thompson PREMISES@boswells-school.com
Assistant Premises Manager Mr. T Orwell PREMISES@boswells-school.com
Caretaker Mr. P English PREMISES@boswells-school.com
Caretaker Mr. B Davis PREMISES@boswells-school.com