
The Boswells School strives to ensure that all students are supported to feel safe and secure both on their way to and from school as well as during their curriculum lessons and recreational time.

The Pastoral Team works with a number of external agencies to ensure specialist support services are available to young people and their parents / guardians. The team is very experienced and a number of staff work solely to ensure the wellbeing of the young people in The Boswells School. In addition to the information available on the links below, the school has a Twitter Page which regularly shares up to date advice on a range of welfare issues. Please follow us on @BoswellsPD

Let Us Know

The school has a dedicated email address for parents and students to email any concerns they have in relation to harmful sexual behaviours or other safeguarding matters. The emails will be responded to within 48 hours by a member of the school’s Safeguarding and Pastoral Team. The email account does not replace the methods of communication and support we currently have in place but is designed to provide an additional avenue for raising concerns.

Please also note that this is not a 24-hour helpline and will only be monitored during school operating hours. In the event of an emergency an appropriate adult or the police should be contacted. The support groups listed below may also be of use.

The email address is

Ms Noble
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Deputy Headteacher – Behaviour Welfare and Safety

Miss Nelson
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead 
Years 10 & 11 Pastoral Manager

Mrs Layton-Smith
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead 
Years 7, 8 and 9 Pastoral Manager 

Mrs Little 
Nominated Safeguarding Governor


Social Care Contact Social Care for urgent and immediate concerns for safety and welfare of a child or young person. Tel: 0345 603 7627 (office hours)
Tel: 0345 606 1212 (out of hours)
Essex Safeguarding Children Board ESCB is able to provide advice. Tel: 0333 013 8936
Children and Families Hub The Children & Families Hub is able to provide advice and consultancy and accept referrals. Tel: 0345 603 7627


NELFT logo Supporting Young people's mental health
YoungMinds logo

Young Minds self-harm guide

Child & Adolescent Mental Health

Self-harm useful guide for parents as well as a parent helpline Helpline: 0808 802 5544 (9.30am to 4pm)