SEN & Disabilities

How will the school involve me as a parent/carer and my child?

The education of S.E.N.D. students at The Boswells School is a collaborative enterprise involving teachers, parents and the students themselves.

Individual student/teacher conversations

  • Interim Reports
  • Parents’ Evenings
  • Advice on how to support learning at home
  • Contact between home and school, e.g. emails and phone calls
  • Student Voice
  • Planning and review meetings
  • Show My Homework
  • Mentor, e.g. adult or peer mentoring
  • SIMS Parent App
  • Statutory meetings and reviews

What different kinds of support are available to children with SEND?

Wherever possible provision is made within the context of the mainstream classroom. The Boswells School is an inclusive school and considers all teachers to be teachers of S.E.N.D.

  • Curriculum adaptations and differentiations
  • Specific teaching strategies
  • Specific interventions such as paired reading
  • Adaptation and adjustment of resources
  • Support for emotional and social well being
  • Some curriculum areas are grouped by attainment
  • Support for health needs
  • Specialist teaching groups
  • Support for communication needs
  • Students are offered support for a wide range of needs and external professionals are consulted where necessary.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?

  • Heybridge Co-operative Academy
  • The Educational Psychology Service
  • Attendance Compliance
  • Social Care
  • Statutory Assessment Service
  • Counselling
  • IAG Service (Careers)
  • Wilderness Foundation
  • Yo Yo Project (Farleigh Hospice)
  • Family Solutions
  • Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Service (EWMHS)
  • Action for Family Carers
  • School Nursing Service
  • The Children’s Society
  • Catch 22
  • Flourish
  • Reach Every Generation
  • The Essex Boys & Girls Club
  • The Power Project (Promoting Opportunities With Emotional Resilience)
  • Brook Education and Wellbeing Specialist
  • Essex Child & Family Wellbeing Service (Virgin Care)

How will the school know how well my child is doing and how will they inform me?

The school places emphasis on informing parents/carers about the progress of their child through termly interim reports, parents’ evenings and parent access to Sims Parent. Progress is closely tracked as part of the whole school assessment cycle and the school’s SEN register and Student Passports are regularly updated with this and any relevant data.

Support & Training for School Staff 

Regular training opportunities are offered to all subject teachers in relation to the offer of a highly differentiated curriculum (Quality First teaching). The Learning Support Assistants (LSAs are also encouraged to attend training sessions and keep up to date with current practice.

How is the school accessible to children with SEND?

There may be schools in the County which provide more specialist and tailored environments for students with particular difficulties in relation to medical and mobility needs, but at The Boswells School, we pride ourselves in attempting to offer a range of additional provision and will seek to accommodate any pupil where possible.

How will the school ensure that my child will be included in activities at the school?

The Boswells School is an inclusive secondary school and will seek to ensure that all students are offered maximum possible access to the curriculum at all times. The Learning Support Faculty runs before school and lunchtime homework and social clubs daily. In addition, The Learning Support Faculty runs an after school Homework Support Club Monday to Thursday. There is also a wide range of other after-school and lunchtime clubs offered to all students. All students are entitled to be included in all parts of the school curriculum and we aim for all students where possible to be included on school trips. Risk assessments are completed as appropriate and necessary prior to any offsite activity to ensure everyone’s health and safety will not be compromised.

How will the school support my child at the transition stages?

Key Stage 2-3 The school has well established links with local Primary schools and the year 6 teachers have the opportunity to meet with pastoral managers, Head of Year 7 and SENCO in order to support and inform the transition process. Every parent also has the opportunity to have an individual meeting with a member of staff to provide information about their child. The school has an extensive transition programme of events and we offer induction days, taster lessons, summer schools for all students and extra visits for particularly vulnerable year 6 students.

Key Stage 3-4 For KS4, students choose from a range of GCSE, BTEC and vocational courses which help to prepare them for the next few steps in their education. Students and parents/carers are offered advice and careers guidance at the appropriate time to help make these important decisions.

Key Stage 4-5 Students in Year 11 are provided with advice and guidance to help them plan possible routes for training or education. Students with a Statement or an EHCP who are moving onto further education are also supported by the County’s IAG Service.

Accessing the Local Offer

Essex County Council will publish their provision on their website